abra em abas ou clique nas imagens que elas crescem e levam a outros endereços... othonbastos@gmail.com http://www.youtube.com/user/viadagem http://othonbastos.blogspot.com/ http://viadagem.blogspot.com/ http://walmorchagas.blogspot.com/ http://amenorcasadeolinda.blogspot.com/ http://fernandinhoviadagem.blogspot.com/


বুধবার, ৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০০৭

"เพลงผ้า ฟ้าล้อมดาว" (Pleang Paa Fah Lom Dao) 4

"เพลงผ้า ฟ้าล้อมดาว" (Pleang Paa Fah Lom Dao) 4

esta foto é minha, deste inseto aí.

The Purple Cow

Reflections on a Mythic Beast,
Who's Quite Remarkable, at Least.

I never saw a purple cow,
I never hope to see one;
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one.

-- Gelett Burgess
What the poem doesn't say the subtitle does - do I really need to comment
on it? Burgess, incidentally, grew increasingly annoyed by the fact that he
was known mainly for 'The Purple Cow', and eventually wrote the following

CONFESSION: and a Portrait, Too,
Upon a Background that I Rue!

Ah, Yes! I Wrote the "Purple Cow" --
I'm Sorry, now, I Wrote it!
But I can Tell you Anyhow,
I'll Kill you if you Quote it!

-- Gelett Burgess


Burgess, Gelett

b. Jan. 30, 1866, Boston, Mass., U.S.
d. Sept. 17, 1951, Carmel, Calif.

Purple Cow is the name of a well-known poem by Gelett Burgess, written in 1895.

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Yam Muer Lom Pad Huan epi 26 part 4-7 **End Epi

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Yam Muer Lom Pad Huan epi 14 part 4-7

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Yam Muer Lom Pad Huan epi 9 part 4-7

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acho que isto aqui está ficando meio bagunçado..

abra tudo em abas por favor (mozilla)

La trappola di Topolino

GNUvox riprende questa mattina la notizia di un video, The Disney Trap - How Copyright Steals Our Stories, sui pericoli insiti all'interno dello stategie delle aziende dei contenuti. Le quali vorrebbero il diritto d'autore d'autore per sé nei secoli. Realizzato da Monica Mazzitelli de iQuindici, si può vedere su YouTube e su Google Video.

12:02:12 | di antonella | Lascia un commento

categorie:Free Culture

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